Crypto Bounty Tracker Launch


Today, December 10, 2024, marks the first day that Crypto Bounty Tracker is officially ready to start listing its first bounties. There is a long list of work ahead for us here at CBT Network, but we are ruthless and determined. We will make short work against the endless tides.

The way I see it, the crypto market has been flooding with projects and meme coins, and all sorts of NFT projects all screaming utility and promising the moon. I thought to myself back in 2021, how could we bring a project to the surface and let it be seen in this endless ocean of startups and new companies all fighting to be heard.

That was when I first came up with the concept for what was known as “The Ark of Atlantis” which was sort of an upvoting and trust voting platform to help people sort through the pump and dump projects versus the real teams looking to build a company and do something amazing.

I’ve spent years vetting projects, helping people turn what was a meme project with no direction into multi-million dollar community celebrations with international awards and endless successes in the markets.

I have been waiting to bring everything full circle and launch this ark project. It has not been an easy journey, but it has been a just one. Thank you for following me through the hellfire and let us build anew inside the ark, rising to the top.

Crypto Bounty Tracker, the new Ark of Atlantis, begins. Bookmark the website and join the Telegram. Please use the submission form to post any bounties directly to me.